Thursday, August 23, 2018

Dogs are OMNIVORES - Wild berries for dogs

It's just a fact, modern dogs are omnivores and need a wide spectrum of plant based foods in their diet to maintain health and vitality. It will also mitigate you from the cost of vet bills, plus the worry and pain that many of us go through at the end of life with our beloved pets. Prevention is better than cure. Shhh, don't tell your pet insurance company this. 

Evolutionary biologists in the study of how genetic code of the domestic dog differs from that of the wolf, have discovered starch assimilating genes that suggest that canine evolution in part was sparked by wolves adapting their diets to eat more like us. (See my previous blog entry) or check this BBC coverage by Jonathan Amos - Science correspondent.

Below is a short clip of one of our client beautiful dogs, Lois picking blackberries for herself. Once I showed how a few years ago she now happily gorges herself when the opportunity presents itself. Our dogs evolved as seasonal foragers, just like us and their biology benefits the same as ours.

Here are some additional superfoods for your dogs that you can introduce. If they're not familiar they may at first turn their noses up at your new food offering, just like children and some adult do. Be patient and I suggest sitting and sharing the food with them. Once they realise it's good and enjoyable for you they'll soon cotton on. Some of these they'll enjoy raw but the greens I suggest a gentle steaming preparation and before feeding make sure they have cooled appropriately.

In the near future, I'll be posting some great recipes so that you can prepare food in bulk and freeze. Also, some really tasty snack for your dogs so that you can give them the best diet with knowledge and care.

Please feel free to comment and share. 
Or contact about Dog Sitting or dietary advice at

A special thanks to the Roberts family and their wonderful dogs

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