Monday, October 14, 2019

Pet Heath - Prevention is Better than Cure : Household cleaners can damage pets!

If your pets are developing skin allergies or breathing problems it might be something to do with the chemicals you are using in and around your home. I could write a whole book about this subject as most of the same problems obviously can be also linked to human conditions. The difference is we humans can express ourselves and more importantly CHOOSE what chemicals are in our environment, our pets have to rely on our choices and understanding of this cause and effect. If it can affect our health then undoubtedly it will affect your pet's health.

Anyway, here's a very informative video from the amazing Planet Paws to get some foundational info that will hopefully save your family and your pets from suffering and medical expenses.
Any question please feel free to contact us.

If you're planning a long holiday, or just a weekend away from home but you hate the idea of leaving your pets in costly and stressful kennels, we can help and your dogs will love it.

Drop us an email or call us for a chat.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends, it would be much appreciated
Thanks, John & Pilar

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